Pre Camino Podcast Special - The Human Design Podcast #280
Jun 01, 2023
Today we have a special episode for you, we are recording this from a little town in the South of France called Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, which is where we start our 800km (500 miles) pilgrimage (walk) from here, down into Spain and across the top of Spain towards the West coast.
I’m joined by the wonderful Taylor Giacin, we are super excited as we sit here on the precipice of this adventure. And we thought it would be a great opportunity to give you a rundown of what this Camino actually we are embarking on. So sit back, take a walk, and enjoy our conversation.
I would love for you to follow our journey on my Instagram @the_human_design_coach and Taylor's @taylor_awakening
Big Love, Mxx
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