May 2023 Transits Update - The Human Design Podcast #271
Apr 28, 2023
It's hard to believe it's already May, it feels like April flew by faster than the blink of an eye...but here we are and it's time for another month of updating you on the transits.
Just as we do each month, Jenni Crowther and I come together on The Human Design Podcast for an epic conversation reviewing the previous month and looking forward to the month ahead. The purpose of these episodes is to help you understand the energy of what's coming, and then help you also reflect and see how certain themes have played out for you according to your design.
Just a little side note: thank you to everyone who reached out about the transits episodes with your feedback to NOT shorten them! Jenni and I are so grateful that you love listening, and we heard you, we will keep the conversations in depth, upbeat and juicy for you!
In this episode, we talk about:
- Reviewing the month of April, what themes played out and questions for your reflection
- Mutation: what it means and clearing up any confusion
- A week-by-week look ahead at the May transits and what channels and gates will be "on"
- The themes of both tribal and individual circuitry, where we're headed and what that means for the planet
As always, Jenni and I go into depth on each of these topics and more to help you make the most out of the month ahead.
You can find Jenni and learn more about her here:
Jenni's Website:
Instagram @jenni_crowther_
Jenni's Wheel of the Year:
See you on the next one!
Big love,
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