Higher Consciousness, Chakras and Human Design with Amber-Lee Lyons - The Human Design Podcast #275
May 14, 2023
In today's episode, I'm excited to share a guest with you today Amber- Lee Lyons, a 3/5 Sacral Generator with the RAX of the Unexpected, to dive into her journey into spirituality, growth and bringing together all of this in a relatable & functional way.
Amber-Lee Lyons is a chakra expert, intuitive channels, the founder of Chakra Girl Co. the Rituals by Chakra Girl App, and the co-founder of PRISM Intentional Jewelry. Her mission is to bridge the gap between fashion, luxury and spirituality and to inspire women everywhere to embody their goddess energy on the inside and out. She's also the host of the top-rated podcast, Chakra Girl Radio where she interviews gurus, celebrities and influencers to share the spiritual rituals that have aligned them with their dharma so you can align with yours.
In today's episode, we dive into:
- Amber-Lee's Dark Night of the Soul, discovering spirituality, and her journey to becoming who she is today
- Internal and External Beauty - her "Instagram Test"
- The word, "vanity," authenticity, conscious connection, and intentionality
- Consistency and Quantum Leaps
- Facing your shadows (sometimes multiple times), finding courage and being real
- Higher Consciousness and communicating across all timelines and dimensions
- Quantum Manifestation and staying present in your consciousness
- The power of surrender
- Deep beauty and the importance of staying consistent with your Spiritual Work
- Tuning into Spirit/your intuition to support your health and longevity
I have loved this conversation with Amber-Lee and trust that you get something from this, helping you own journey as always.
Amber-Lee’s Podcast - Chakra Girl Radio
Website: https://www.chakragirlco.com/
Instagram @chakragirlco
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