FLFE - with Jefferey Stegman and Clayten Stedmann - The Human Design Podcast #285
Jun 16, 2023
Today, I’m so excited to finally be able to bring a conversation to you with the incredible founders of Focused Life Force Energy, Jefferey Stegman and Clayten Stedmann.
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Focused Life Force Energy (FLFE) began in 2008 when these two men with an interest in high-consciousness fields met through a mutual friend. After coming across the beginnings of an invention that would become part of the FLFE system, Jeffrey Stegman and Clayten Stedmann worked together to develop it into more. Eventually, they would broadcast high-consciousness fields to specific locations around the world. They poured thousands of hours into research and development to share this technology. Beginning with service projects and targeting trauma-hit areas like refugee camps, FLFE grew into a private company and is now invited into the lives of thousands of people in over 80 countries. They still donate approximately 90% of their service to global projects including support for bees, whales, and dolphins as well as other larger global projects. FLFE is a thriving international organization that continues to explore what is in the highest and best interest of all creation.
I could have talked for hours with these fascinating individuals and the incredible work they do. I hope you get as much from this conversation as I did, enjoy.
Want to try FLFE? Learn more and get your 15 DAY FREE TRIAL here: https://www.emmadunwoody.com/flfe
Big Love, Mxx
Want to try FLFE? Learn more and get your 15 DAY FREE TRIAL here: https://www.emmadunwoody.com/flfe
Instagram - @focusedlifeforceenergy
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