Doing The Work Of Your Incarnation Cross
Apr 21, 2021
It seems Incarnation Crosses are a real theme with me at the moment and this story was just so beautiful I had to share it!!
I was talking to a friend this morning because she wanted some support with her daughter who’s currently going through a challenging time in her learning and development.
As we were discussing what’s going on I shared with my friend that I believe we choose our parents and our lessons and although what they’re going through right now might be challenging this is the experience that will make her a powerful Manifestor as an adult.
My friend was not satisfied with this, she wanted certainty that this challenging time was serving her daughter’s highest good and in turn she wanted meaning for the hard stuff they had all faced, some truth that allowed her to let go of the fear she held for her daughter.
So I asked her “What’s your daughter’s Incarnation Cross?” in an instant her answer made so much sense to me and I knew I could help this mother and dear friend let go of the fear she held for the adult her daughter would grow into.
“She’s The Vessel of Love” my friend came back with, her Sun being in gate 25, the gate of unconditional and universal love. This little being is on the planet to learn love, to know unconditional love and to teach it through her own behaviour, natural gifts and in time by serving others as their hero that teaches them about love.
What seemed obvious to me was that the challenges at school this little angel is facing are lesson in what love is not, lessons that love is always present no matter the score card, lessons that it’s not our behaviour that determines how loved we are but our being.
She is learning the fundamental lesson that we are loved because we are breathing and not according to the external circumstances.
She is also learning that love is so much deeper that words, she is learning that love is facing fear and vulnerability, that telling the truth of what she struggles with is hard but rewarding, she’s learning that no matter her challenges her Mummy and Daddy love her and are here for her and when she is through this, in whatever time it takes for the journey to happen, she will love herself more because she faced her dragons and can now give and teach real, deep and unconditional love.
Often in the now we fear the consequences of our challenges however if you just choose to see them as a catalyst for your future self, your power and the gift you came here to give then you can find the courage to keep going because you know that some day your lesson will help another.
This beauty will grow up to teach love in this life, she is a Vessel of LOVE and right now she may have her Learner plates on but what she’s learning now will help us all love more and that’s exactly what the world needs right now!!
Big love, Mxx
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