December 2023 Transits Update - The Human Design Podcast #322
Dec 08, 2023
We're back for another exciting transits episode with the wonderful Jenni Crowther and myself, where we recap the month of November AND we look ahead at December and the themes coming through the planets and gates.
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Jenni and I talk about SO many things in this episode, especially about closing out this incredible year and looking ahead to another one. What are we taking with us? What are we leaving behind? How is the world changing? Grab your journal and a cup of coffee or tea and let’s do this!
The purpose of these transits episodes are to help you reflect on the previous month and notice things you may have not picked up, and also prepare for the energies and transits that are coming so that you can set specific intentions and goals that are in alignment with your design.
Get ready for another incredible month ahead and make sure you come over to Instagram and tag us @the_human_design_coach and @jenni_crowther_ to let us know how you're going.
Big Love,
*Mentioned in this episode - The Woman They Could Not Silence by Kate Moore:
Jenni's Website:
Instagram @jenni_crowther_
Jenni's Wheel of the Year:
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